Mr Ottawa Bear Judge Eric

Please join us in welcoming Eric from Bears in Excess Toronto to our Mr Ottawa Bear team as one of our three judges for this year’s competition!

Eric is 49 years old. Originally from Montreal, he lives with Christian, his husbear of 16 years, in Toronto. When not teaching English as a Second Language, he and Christian have hosted/organized the very successful Bears in Excess (monthly) and Chubs at the Tubs (six times a year) at Spa Excess for the past 10 years. They will be hosting both of their events at Magnum Sauna in Budapest in August of 2020.

They were both on the board of Bears of Toronto and Totally Naked Toronto.

Also Eric and Christian have a Youtube channel, The Fluffies Channel, where they talk about travels, culture, lifestyle, food and bears. They have attended various bear events in USA, Brazil, and Europe.